
Mind Games | Games Taco Takeover

$ 30.00 $ 14.00

Taco Takeover…

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Taco TakeoverIt’s a race to the finish… with tacos…!? You heard right! Challenge your family and friends as you race to complete your taco orders first with Taco Takeover! Grab an order ticket, take a taco shell, and stuff it with the correct toppings to win the game! Taco Takeover starts with each player receiving their own taco shell and a secret recipe card. Ingredient cards are spread across the table face down. A player shouts “Olé!” and the game begins! All players then start grabbing their ingredients from the table one card at a time, trying to collect all of ingredients according to their secret recipe card. The first person to complete their secret recipe gets a point, get three points to win the game.


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